Friday, August 24, 2012

Real life uses of Computers in Education

Teaching Learning process

  • Instructions:
    • Instructing the students using PowerPoint slides, Word documents or Web pages and using hyperlinks for better concept clarity.
    • Helps in improving pronunciation of students by using microphones, headphones, speakers, specially prepared software and special dedicated websites.
    • Video conferencing, chat and email helps in better communication, hence better concept clarity. Also concept of E-tutor has given access to teachers instantly and given teachers a better chance to earn.
    • Current syllabus can be viewed through website of the concerned school board; made available to students if teacher has made a website and uploaded using Internet; and updating- using web could be done easily.
    • Inspiring students to express their imagination using Paint Brush
    • Encouraging the students to surf web pages and gather relevant detailed information through web pages.
    • Readymade software could give practice material to students
  • Learning:
    • Collecting notes /pictures/videos from web pages for detailed information and projects/assignments.
    • Saving the documents as soft copy for future use
    • Learning through animations, as they are much near to the students
    • E-books/online libraries/online encyclopedias help to guide in minutes and save precious time and resources.
    • Creating videos using images, albums for better power point slides.
    • Simulated Learning gives them an idea of the real situation.
    • Publication of pamphlet/brochures for awareness with institution and among community members.

Testing and Evaluation process

    • Keeping records of students for their academic scores
    • Keeping records in relation to personal history
    • Creating question bank for students
    • Using computers for testing by asking questions from question bank
    • Online Testing and Evaluation
    • Analysis and interpretation of the data
    • Previous year Question papers and sample papers using web sites.

Guidance purposes

    • With reference to collective records of the students maintained year wise, stored in computers
    • Testing for aptitude, interest, psychology using computer data bases and internet.


    • Documents stored as soft copy for students/faculty members use
    • Online magazines , journals, brochures , research articles
    • Records of the books/record of the books maintained using special library software.
    • Records of the issues and returns of the books.

School Administration

    • Records of students(personal, academic, financial)
    • Records of employees of school
    • Accounts of the institution
    • Decision making process
    • Aid to memory with minimum paper work
    • Eye on current regulations of government and affiliating school boards and related authorities
    • School canteen for billing
    • Fees collection and maintenance of fees record.
    • Circulation of instruction/notices and getting it in printed form
    • Preparation of school magazine.

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