Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Final Requirements in Finals

Article on the Interview I made with Foreign man about
 ICT Integration in their Country

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” 
        ― Nelson Mandela

Based on my interview with Mr. Mark W. Bray, a Professor of Dankook University, Seoul Korea. On the topic of the integration of ICT in schools or in the Teaching -learning process. He had said that IT based technologies is being used in many ways, computers in the classroom, projectors, power point slides, You tube short clips 1 to 7 minutes long, having video or distance education conference calls during classes, group discussions involving internet topics and goggling information for class pedagogy.

He also say that it can give more information, more ways to learn and digest the information, more options on presenting it to the students and a better ability to find and search for information on their own as outside of classroom studies?
For the question whether it is effective, he claimed that it is effective, as there are more options in presenting lessons by the teacher and the learner will be stimulated by more interesting methods of learning. Liking theories to real world thinking is very important to my students and enables them to link learning and life examples.
While interviewing him, I learned that the use of technology in the teaching-learning process of Korea is almost the same with the use of ICT in the Philippines.
