Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Reflection in Midterm

             Computers really had a lot of services that it can offer to us.
             In this period a have learned a lot of uses of computers. its wider access to education and as making learning's more easy to have.
           I have learned in the project-based that the process is more important that the product, because it is the  journey of how we come-up with the product, in which the learning and the development of the thinking skills are fully develop in this stage. Resource-based project,simple creations,guided hyper-media and web based projects are the examples of IT-based project which can be effectively be used in order to engage students in activities of a higher plane of thinking.
            In the computers as information and communication technology,i have learned that computers as a tool of communication comprise the media of communication to audiences,for instance the learners, like television and radio.As an information technology, it served to enhance and enrich the teaching-learning process.
           Computer as a tutor, i have learned that even thought their is a wide use of computer in learning but still it cannot replace the teacher as the giver of learning because they are the one who deliver and facilitate the knowledge with the use of  computers for the student to get a lot of information and learn at their own pace.
           In the innovating world of today we cannot deny the fact that the knowledge of computers should be acquired by every individual for them to be able to operate and have a lot of wide information of the world today.

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